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John Jarvis

Irwin Berent

John Jarvis, co-creator and inventor of StoryCraft Software, at his studioJohn Jarvis, fiction guru, is a professional screenwriter and member of the WGA, with editions of the syndicated television dramas "Family Medical Center" and "Behind the Secret Door" to his credit.

He is also the inventor of the well-known approach to writing fiction, which has come to be called "The Jarvis Method", made internationally popular in the StoryCraft line of story-development software, which incorporates his Method.

Before going to Hollywood, Mr. Jarvis, who holds a Masters in Fine Arts from Old Dominion University and is an expert in Jungian philosophy and Wagnerian opera as well as classical and mythological fiction, was for nearly 30 years production manager for Public TV in Hampton Roads and a pioneer in radio-drama production in the Southeast.

In Hollywood he, among other things, free-lanced for Ralph Edwards-Stu Billiett, producers of "The Family Medical Center" and "The People's Court."

Over the years, he has introduced literally thousands of students to his Method and created a legion of talented and successful followers. He lectures frequently and teaches the highly acclaimed "New Dimensions In Writing" series on the writing of fiction.

A co-founder of the prestigious Story and Myth: The Online Journal of Classic Story Writing, and for many years the structure columnist for Screenwrite NOW!, the predecessor to Scr(i)pt Magazine, Mr. Jarvis writes extensively on all subjects pertinent to fiction.

Irwin Berent, co-creator of StoryCraft SoftwareIrwin Berent is an internationally published wordsmith who has co-authored with Dr. Rod Evans several books, including The Right Words (Warner Books, 1992), Getting Your Words' Worth (Warner Books, 1993), Weird Words (Berkley Publishing Group, 1995), More Weird Words (Berkley, 1995), and A Dictionary of Highly Unusual Words (Berkley, 1997), as well as The Quotable Conservative (with Introduction by William F. Buckley; Adams Publishing Co., 1996) and The ABC Of Cat Trivia (with Introduction by Betty White; St. Martin's Press, 1996).

Listed regularly in Who's Who in America (since 1999), he has co-authored and co-compiled scholarly works (published by Open Court Publishing Company) that have included introductions and forewords by such luminaries as Isaac Asimov, Steve Allen, Hugh Downs, and Linus Pauling.

Holding a Master's degree in American History, he is also the author of the biographical directory of the crew of the Civil War ironclad U.S.S. Monitor and of Norfolk, Virginia: A Jewish History of the 20th Century as well as a forthcoming reference-opus gazetteer/atlas/history of the city of Norfolk.

Mr. Berent also manages both Writers SuperCenter and StudioNotes screenplay- and novel-critiqueing service.

Mr. Berent also has another website,, which features The History of Norfolk, Virginia: An Encyclopedia of Norfolk History, Geography, Neighborhoods, Railroads, Roads, Creeks, Cemeteries, Parks, and More.